Where is my order?Updated 3 years ago
Once your order has been fulfilled, you will immediately receive an email with your tracking information. Most packages deliver within 3–5 business days.
If your package is marked "delivered," but is nowhere to be found, there is still hope. Sometimes shipping carriers mistakenly make a "false scan" and then later deliver the package. Most missing orders redeliver within 1–2 business days.
In the meantime, here are some things to try:
1. Please double-check that you entered the correct shipping address on your order.
2. We've found more and more that shipping carriers are starting to place packages in more discreet areas to avoid theft. Check your surrounding areas – between the storm door and front door, near your garage, or behind bushes.
3. And, as silly as this may sound, check your mailbox, even if it's marked as delivered to your front door.
If all else fails, reach out to our support team at [email protected]. We're always happy to help.